Level 11.
10 Bridge St, Sydney, NSW, 2000
Currency Select offers an outsourced e-Commerce processing solution for acquirers in conjunction with MasterCard Payment Gateway Services (MPGS), a division of MasterCard.
Our outsourcing solution "fast-tracks" acquirers wishing to implement Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) and/or Multi-Currency Processing (MCP) e-Commerce by minimising the software and systems development and testing required. Because our platform and interfaces to eligible card schemes are already DCC and MCP enabled, we eliminate the need for an acquirer to enhance its own platform and card scheme interfaces to support, and be certified for DCC and/or MCP.
Our end-to-end solution consists of the following components:
Our solution also incorporates a direct online message interface between MPGS and our DCC qualification engine to support two MasterCard DCC services:
Hosted Checkout is a fully hosted payment inline frame (iframe) that provides DCC-enabled payment acceptance for eligible Visa and MasterCard cards. Because is is hosted by MasterCard, the merchant web-server never "sees" payment card data and is protected against card data security exposure.
Hosted Payment Session is a fully hosted payment interface that exposes a DCC qualification and a DCC authorisation message interface. It allows a merchant to entirely control the styling of the payment acceptance display elements to the shopper while providing the same security of card data as Hosted Checkout.
Both services effectively bundle Currency Select DCC "inside" the MPGS capability, and allow acquirers to take advantage of all the MPGS e-Commerce services as well as Currency Select DCC all within the same platform.
You can review MasterCard's new MPGS API documentation in full here. (If you are still using MasterCard's legacy "MiGS" payment gateway solution, please contact us for a confidential discussion about how to take advantage of our solution for MiGS).
Clearing and Settlement Processing
In addition to DCC, our solution also supports the clearing and settlement processing of the DCC transactions (as well as "ordinary" non-DCC transactions). We (Currency Select) use the transaction record data contained within MPGS' DCF file to produce and submit Visa Base II and MasterCard IPM clearing files to Visa and MasterCard respectively on behalf of the acquirer. We effectively act as a "processor" for the acquirer to clear transactions on the acquirer's behalf.
The benefit of this approach is that we take care of everything to do with DCC (and/or MCP). The acquirer does not need enhance its own capability. It can leverage our existing capability.
We have been performing DCC and/or MCP enabled e-Commerce in conjunction with MasterCard's payment gateway offerings since 2006, and specialise in fast-tracking acquirers and participating merchants to support DCC and/or MCP.